
Kemal Sertkaya

Group Manager, Audit and Risk Management

Doğan Holding

Since the end of 2020, Cerebra has made significant contributions to our Group as our business partner in the important projects we have initiated as Doğan Holding with the vision of helping the senior management of the Group companies to establish a more effective internal control system in their companies and to internalize ethical awareness in the Group.

In addition, Cerebra’s support, and contributions, particularly in Doğan Holding’s membership of TEİD, have added value to our Group in terms of ethical awareness and reputation.

Our “Asset Protection Rule Set”, which we developed using Cerebra’s expertise and which includes preventive and detection controls for the protection of company assets, is now an important guide for all of the Group’s senior managers. Following the distribution of this internal document, we not only received positive feedback from our companies, but also took important steps in the process of establishing audit and internal control departments within the subsidiaries.

The training programs we have initiated with Cerebra throughout the Group have also raised the awareness of all employees, especially our managers. We believe that ethics training not only contributes to sustainability and institutionalization goals, but also creates an important awareness to minimize the risk of loss of reputation and assets. The importance of “ethics”, which is emphasized within the framework of “We act responsibly and transparently”, which is one of the common values of Doğan Group, was once again underlined through the discussion of conflict of interest scenarios/examples and management methods, the impact on loss of reputation, etc.

In addition, the professional training we received from Cerebra, such as fraud investigation techniques, supported us in developing our expertise.