
Fikret Sebilcioğlu Contributed to a Panel Discussion in the Good Governance for State-Owned Enterprises Conference


In cooperation with Corporate Governance Association of Turkey, Argüden Governance Academy organized “Good Governance for State- Owned Enterprises” Conference for public and private sector leaders with the contributions of Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Undersecretaries of Treasury and Union of Turkish Public Enterprises on 7 April 2016 at the Bosphorus University.

Fikret Sebilcioğlu, Managing Partner of Cerebra, contributed to a panel discussion in relation to “Accountability, Performance Assessment System and the Fraud Risk Management in the Listed Companies”. Fikret has presented the results of “Reports to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse-016 Global Study” issued by Association Certified Fraud Examiners and shared his thoughts as to how fraud and corruption risks are managed in the private companies as well as methods which could be implemented in the state-owned companies.

The panelists are:

Ayşegül Ekşit, Capital Markets Board of Turkey, Vice President (Moderator)
İlhami Koç, Turkish Capital Markets Associations, TKYD Vice Chairman
Fikret Sebilcioğlu, CFE, CPA, TKYD Board Member, TEİD Board Member, ACFE Turkey Board Member
Dr. Erkin Erimez, ARGE Danışmanlık Ortağı, Argüden Yönetişim Akademisi, Akademik Kurul Üyesi

In the conference, “OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State – Owned Enterprises 2015 Edition” whose original version was published by OECD both in English and French were presented to the attendees.

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