
Fikret Sebilcioğlu addressed Turkish-French Chamber of Commerce on Sapin II and Third-Party Risks


Fikret Sebilcioğlu, Managing Partner of Cerebra, presented the innovations brought by the law in the seminar titled “Law on Transparency, Fight Against Corruption and Modernization of the Economy”.

On 18 April 2018, our Managing Partner, Fikret Sebilcioğlu, as the board member of Ethics and Reputation Society made a presentation to the members of CCI France-Turquie (Turkish-French Chamber of Commerce) together with Altuğ Özgün (board member of Ethics and Reputation Society) on the new French Anti-Corruption Law: “Sapin II and Third-Party Integrity Related Risk Management in Comparative Legislation” at the seminar organized by Ethics and Reputation Society.

The “Law on Transparency, Fight Against Corruption and Modernization of the Economy” known as Loi Sapin II published in the Official Gazette on December 10, 2016, has also taken place in literature as a good answer by Continental Europe to the Anglo-Saxon dominance in the field of anti-corruption laws.


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