Case Studies

Cerebra uncovered irregularities committed by an accounting manager using fake physical documents and journal entries


Our client, one of Turkey’s leading real estate investment companies, suspected an employee in the accounting and administrative affairs department of committing irregularities on reported expenses. Cerebra was assigned to investigate these suspicions. 


We initially evaluated the suspicions and details of the matter with the company’s board member and general manager. From our discussions, we understood that the suspect, having worked at the company for many years, exerted pressure on the accounting department employees. We also learned that the suspect left the company shortly before the investigation began, citing an unreasonable excuse. 

Given the suspect’s seniority, influence over other employees, extensive access rights to the accounting system, and the concentration of critical tasks in one person, we began examining the documents. We quickly reviewed the advance accounts, expense forms submitted to the company for these advances, and the supporting documents. 

Through forensic accounting techniques and investigation methods, we obtained the following evidence: 

  • Numerous fake and altered expense documents and bank receipts 
  • Fictitious or non-compliant journal entries made to conceal fraudulent transactions 
  • The same expense documents fraudulently reported multiple times in expense forms 

Furthermore, we found that the suspect had convinced another employee in the administrative department to perform fraudulent transactions and was also in secret collusion with another employee to commit fraud. 

As a result of our investigation, we calculated our client’s total loss to be approximately 350,000 USD. 

We promptly assessed our findings with the company’s senior management, and we concluded that there is a reasonable probability that the suspect has committed the act in question and therefore it has been decided to conduct an admission-seeking interview of the suspect. We made a detailed preparation, considering the evidence we have, and the fraudulent actions committed, to elicit a proper admission. Then, we conducted an interview with the suspect at the Cerebra office. 

As a result of the interview, the suspect confessed to the fraudulent activities and provided a written statement at the end of the meeting. 

Throughout the investigation, we coordinated closely with the client’s in-house legal counsel and an external lawyer. 

Following the investigation, we prepared a fraud examination report that detailed the irregularities committed by the suspects, the methods they used to conceal the fraud, their secret collaborations, and our client’s losses, supported by evidence.  


The suspect confessed and promised to cover the losses but later did not make any repayment. Consequently, legal action was taken against all suspects, and the lawyers submitted the Cerebra report as evidence in the lawsuit. 

During the litigation process, the expert appointed by the judge reviewed our report and held two meetings with the Cerebra fraud examination team to evaluate our findings. The expert fully agreed with our findings and submitted a report supporting our conclusions to the court. 

As a result of the trial, our client won the case against the suspects and successfully recovered a significant portion of their losses. 

Other Case Studies

Cerebra identified the misconduct of a senior executive, leading to the recovery of USD 12 million worth of stolen assets

A family-owned company, ranked among Turkey’s top 100 industrial firms, reached out to Cerebra. The company’s shareholders suspected that the senior executive in charge of international sales was involved in fraudulent activities related to discounts on significant transactions and requested Cerebra to investigate these suspicions. 


Cerebra uncovered a multifaceted fraud case perpetrated by an employee with a gambling addiction

Our client, a supplier to globally recognized textile brands in Turkey, reported suspicions regarding the activities of their administrative affairs officer. In the defense statement obtained in this context, the suspect admitted to irregularities in the sale of two company vehicles and falsifying with some offers and invoices.


Cerebra proved the conflict of interest and bribery schemes between the sales manager and a business partner

A multinational company with production facilities and sales offices across several continents contacted us through a Turkish law firm they collaborate with, to investigate suspicions about a sales manager working at their Turkish office. The suspicion was a possible hidden relationship between the sales manager and one of the company’s customers. 


Cerebra provided forensic accounting services to a plaintiff in a widely publicized case concerning a bank manager’s misappropriation of funds

In a high-profile case known to the public as the Seçil Erzan incident, the law firm representing one of the bank customers (client or plaintiff) contacted Cerebra to request a forensic accounting analysis of the plaintiff’s account transactions, including an analysis of transactions in all foreign currencies, and to uncover any potential suspicious activities. 


Cerebra supported the victim company to recover loss of EUR 815.000 by uncovering fraudulent activities

Our client, a multinational food company, contacted Cerebra through their law firm in Turkey. The client suspected that their sales manager in Turkey had secretly established a firm with a distributor and was diverting company sales to this new entity. They requested Cerebra to calculate the potential loss caused by these suspicious activities.


Cerebra uncovered fraudulent activities of three senior executives in hidden relationships with a dawn raid

A multinational energy company (the client) was concerned about the costs of services received from a supplier for a critical project managed by its Turkish subsidiary (the victim company). The client requested Cerebra to investigate the reasons for this budget overrun and the suspicions surrounding the general manager, financial affairs manager, and accounting manager of the victim company, as well as the supplier. 


Cerebra has implemented sustainable accounting and financial procedures of its client

Our Client, a local startup developing innovative solutions to the smart parking and charging network problems faced by micro mobility, was acquired in 2022 by an American company providing cloud-based software infrastructure for micro mobility vehicles.


Cerebra restructured the finance functions of a foreign fund’s subsidiaries in Turkey

Our client was managing the subsidiaries of a fund (Fund) that were established in Turkey. These subsidiaries consisted of two shopping malls in two different cities, a residence project and several companies holding land in their assets.


Cerebra executed the finance functions of a foreign client and then restructured them inhouse

A French company, one of the world’s leading road operating companies, established a company (“Company”) in Turkey in 2012 to carry out the operation and maintenance works of one of Turkey’s leading tunnels.
