
Fikret Sebilcioğlu Participated in a Panel at Authorized Automotive Dealers Association Meeting


The 28th Dialogue Meeting of the Authorized Automotive Dealers Association OYDER was held in Tekirdağ. In the meeting, a panel named “Fraud and Internal Audit” has taken place where our managing partner Fikret Sebilcioğlu was the speaker.

The panel of modarated by Murat Çakır, General Manager of Bayraktar Otomotiv. The speakers in the panel was Ayhan Dayoğlu (Arkeon Consulting), Gürol Memiş (Enterprise Risk Management Head, Otokoç Otomotiv), Fikret Sebilcioğlu (Ethics and Reputation Society-Board Member) and Tayfun Zaman (Ethics and Reputation Society-General Secretary). In the panel, the fraud and internal audit have been discussed from different perspectives such as compliance, ethics, cost of fraud, internal audit function in the automotive sector.


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