
2018 Transparency Summer School Took Place


2018 Transparency Summer School conducted by Transparency International Turkey took place at Sabancı University between August 1st – 8th 2018.

The program aimed to increase students’ awareness of transparency, integrity, accountability, good corporate governance and fighting against corruption.

At 2018 Transparency Summer School which was organised for the first time by Transparency International Turkey, Fikret Sebilcioğlu, Managing Partner of Cerebra and board member of Transparency International Turkey delivered a presentation. While answering students’ questions, he discussed occupational fraud from the private sector perspective, and its detection and prevention methods, as well as actions  to be taken for improving ethics and compliance culture.

45 students were chosen among 750 applicants, from 30 universities and different branches throughout Turkey. During the programme, academicians, private sector representatives and journalists gave lectures on transparency, good management and fighting against corruption and lively discussions were held.

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